Tuesday, February 3, 2009

so what now?

ok first of i guess i need to confess i cant write to save my life. grammer? average at best. spelling less than impressive. The aim of this blog? hopefully to improve my results at poker, i win at poker small winner though but could definatly improve my winning by keeping an updated record of all wins/losses and some extra motivation to quit on those losing sessions when nothing goes right, if the whole world can see what happened the next day. well it might work might not, nothing to lose right? hopefully i can sort of entertain you along the way if anybody actualy reads this lol.

so i play online multiple sites ussualy under the name samilace i play a fair bit live at crown casino melbourne- this is where i have my best results by far, ussualy go anywhere between 1-4 times per week. my main game is the 2/3 i occasionaly play 1/2 when their with the girlfriend and have started to take the odd shot at 2/5 have won a lot at this casino last 12 months hope it continues

so i guess i better outline some goals for febuary.
- reach iron man status on full tilt again....not so hard 200 points a day for 25 days, only obstacle only 28 days this month and i will be on holiday for 4 of them. :$
-have a positive result on all sites for my online play.
- receive 350 plus from rakeback.
-win 300 plus from live play (won 900 last month so not a huge goal this month just want to make sure its another winning month.)

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