Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heading into Work?!

heading into crown casino tonight. Its strange out of the 200 plus times iv been to the casino only twice have i ever gone alone- once at like 2.30 in the morning after whatching rounders, and another time when everyone was busy on a sunday evening.
-the 4 people i generally go with-
-the girlfriend has gone away for 3 days to the beach with some old school friends,
-one friend is saving up money and cant afford to lose,
-another is the other side of the country,
-and my mate pauly who i go with the most and is on the tables every 2nd night isnt picking up his phone.\
( as i type phone, my phone rings and pauly says 'hey il be at yours in 20 mins and we will head in) was going to say, can never find someone to go with when you want to go the most, with the night of work and the girlfriend away.-
but looks like i have,...was definatly going in either way but definatly prefer a freind to share the 25 min drive each way with...
i guess we will get there around 11 pm and always leave at 5.30 am to arrive home and get to sleep before daylight....

......edit with trip report to follow.....

So defiantly not the best of nights got their ready to rumble and get seated on a table of middle Aged regulars eww.
First hand I win after mucking my first orbit is 33 in sb about 5 limpers flop of qs 3s 6h I bet 12 find one caller turn 10s …I put him on a draw so I check he does too river 10h giving me full…beautiful I bet 25 and he tanks for 20 seconds and calls. He mucks I think he had a weak q or a 6. Good start.
Another orbit or so later utg opens to 6 min raise I look down at jj and make it 18 to go, get 3 callers still, sb, bb and utg. Flop comes aa5 agro asian in the sb donks out 30 folds folds folds to me, i fold he shows 55 for the flopped full.
Not long later I raise it up to 12 with aj on the button get called twice flop comes ks j 7s shortie shoves his last 35 he has been shoving pretty wide so I ehhh call he shows js6s and gets his flush on the river. not what I was hoping.
Wake up with aq in the small blind but completed for 1 dollar blind argh flop a310 I check raise all in after a guy bets 20 my bet was 80 it becomes clear to me he has weak ace so hes asking me questions like hows your kicker etc etc I tell him 2 pair is defiantly good and im not sure about my kicker hoping he calls which he does with ace 5 Beautiful
Turn 3 River King! Arghhhh split split.

Not long later mp raise to 6 min raise why do people do this??called 3 way I make it 30 in the bb with qq folds round to the shortie he shoves his last 33 I call the 3 and he shows ace 5 flops an ace and wins.
Instead of rebuying for a change I decided to play micro short stack and see if I could get some of this luck the others are getting after an orbit or too im down to $21 argh I shove with js9s on the button and get called by 55 by the bb flop a 9 and I double up woohoo.

Next orbit I limp on the btn with 7h8h flop comes ah kh 10s after a bet from mid pos to 10 and 1 call I shove my 30 ish more sensing some weakness mid position raiser folds but the flat caller calls me and shows the nut straight, I don’t improve and I bust.

The very hand I bust our table breaks as were down to 5 players and we get split up I get moved to a new table this table is no good- only 1 weak spot on it and he has position to me, still most of the players have a weakness or 2 but no real live donks on it and 3 or so good players.
Very first hand I have kk I make it 15 to go and get called by the btn flop comes rainbow 3 4 10 I bet 25 he bets my stack I snap call- btn is an agro asain iv played with many times before and he loves to make moves as soon as I call he says ‘ah im behind’ turn 10 and river 3 make me almost vomit but he shows 4 6 and I win.

Im sitting tight as the table is pretty aggressive and im eating some tea at the same time, I get ak utg raise to 15 get called twice flop of 10108 we all check turn ACE check check check river q I bet 20 and folds all round.

I then get severly card dead and don’t win a hand for seem s like 2 hours a couple of small pairs than don’t even get close to hitting sets and no high cards or suited or connectors was just disqusting. Raise it up with j9 and lose to j10 was the most action I had seen.

Finaly I rebuy to fill up my stack and manage to win $35 with kq onboard of qqjk.
Then I get aj and check raise a guy on the flop and the turn on board off aa2 5 hefolds to turn check raise.
Now finally I pick up aa after 6 hours in the bb 6 limpers to mei make it 20 to go…6 folds….grrrr
Now 3 hands before I leave and the last hand I play I call a raise to 12 with 88 4 runners flop comes
10h 7 8h
it goes raise to 12 raise to 25 call 25 and action on me..argh this a tough spot I tank consider re poping but I know this guy who re raised to 25 he used to be crazy asian gambler but has now gotten decent at poker and everytime iv seen him re raise in the last 3 sessions hes had a set or the nuts so I think he probably has j9 here so I call drawing to a full house at this point. Pot 250 ish turn brings the king of hearts it goes check, and asian guy checks next guy who flat called the original bets thinks and makes it 50… I know he has the flush what else can he have but calling 50 dollars into a 300 pot I stick around river j of clubs oh well if I wasn’t beat by the flush im dead now..he shoves I muck…

Asian guy starts talking about how sick he had the j9 nuts and ‘that fucking heart killed me’ I tell him I had a set and ask other guy if he has flush he says he did I believe him we were all pretty open I think he played that face up so I defiantly think he did. feel i lost the minimum by stick with my read a few months ago i would have got all in with the line im could be way in front and if im not i have outs..And that’s that.
I leave exactly 151 down. Not good. I feel that’s not bad because I think I run/ran a bit below equity and never got a decent run of cards so not much I could do..maybe back again tonight..:) or maybe just an online session after work.

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