Monday, February 9, 2009

casino report- played 1/2 tonight as my friend was short on money, up, down, up down, and in the end down..-37. some of the major hands:
utg straddles to 12 i am utg plus 1 find ak raise to 36 leaving me 41 behind (80 max buy in shit) get 1 caller old man plan to shove anyflop flop comes kk8 i shove he calls i win.
lose $50 with 88 when the same old man calling station calls me the whole way with k10 on flop of 7 5 2 2 10 to

make a raise to 8 with 77 four callers flop comes 568 1 guy donks out 10 i flat as do other 2 turn 4 to make my straight i bet 20 only old man calling station calls, river is 10 i would normaly check here but against old man calling station i squeeze another 30 out of him and he calls and mucks.

lose 55 with ak vs kk and 99 fold on the turn blah.
win 12 dollars with 55 on 56k all diamond board lol.
i then find aq raise to 10 get 1 caller j3h5h flop i bet 20 he calls leaving 40 behind turn is a king beutiful i bet 40 thinkng he now has to fold a jack or any draw...not so.. he calls me with 9h7h and gets his flush on the river!! blah blah blah

finaly got aa 10 mins before i leave raise it up and win blinds then 2 hands later qq raise to 9 1 caller flop 89a i bet 19 he calls turn Q beutiful i bet 33 he folds oh well.
so dissapointing night that aq hand really cost me if only he had have missed his 15 outer maybe i should have checked their, still think my reasoning was right to bet and he shouldnt have called but oh well, only down -37 could have been worse.

online didnt play any tilt like i said i wouldnt. might get back on there tommorow we will see.

cake- played .5/1 short stacking again in my first session earlier in the day i lost a few dollars but tonight managed to win a bit after getting all in with qq on 10 8 5 board vs 77 who couldnt fold when i 3 bet preflop. thanks.

william hill- not so good today, played some US .25/.50 6max and after raising 4 hands in a row i got aa and thought these guys gonna have to start playing back soon so after i c bet 4.5 on flop of 938 only to see other guy shove for 45 i think im probably good..wrong he has set of 3s thought he most likely had 1010 jj or maybe 77 a9 but maybe should have folded to his massive overbet with just 1 pair, unfortunate i started thinking they have to play back at me soon influenced my decision a little. and then another short session tonight lost me like another 15 oh well cant win here everyday i guess hope to get back to winning ways tommorow.
-92AU ) 64.4 US

*all stats updated in about me section*

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