Sunday, February 8, 2009

chill day

mate come over in the day and whatched some cricket and the aussies finaly won a game! lol 1 time..then went to work, and had the girlfriend around tonight (she is alseep next to me right now) whatched the end of season 4 and start of season 5 of soprano's box set. great show. also been reading the harrington on cash game books these are good probably the best iv read and would definatly reccomend. next on the list is rolfs omaha book and/or kill everyone.

so horrible on fulltilt for me today a couple of beats. like 98 off calling my 3bet preflop and getting all in on x j 8 flop vs my aa only for 10 to turn grr, the old kk vs ak a.i preflop ace on flop standard beat just was not my day at all, made a couple of mistakes when and paid off 1 bet i should not have with my qq vs aa but thought i was behind and still made a bleeding call on the river. going to take a break from tilt for a day or too, been running bad here and cant seem to every get ahead hopefully doom switch gets turned off in that time.
tilt -100

on cake i played a short session of like 60 hands short stacking .5/1 again i turned my 20 into 37 but then lost it all with a9 of spades in the bb on flop of 7s7cAh 8s i thought i could make him fold to a check raise on the turn showing alot of strenght repping the 7 and even if he called i had the flush outs thought he had a hand like aq with his limp utg and bet on flop and turn but i guess the 22 extra bigblinds check raise wasnt enough and he called with aj and scoopped.

cake -20

But on william hill another good day for me playing the 6pac euro game 25nl equal to AUS 55NL I think i have figured out the best way to exploit this game and after a few more days tweaking it minorly i will share it here. i plan to play a bit more US 50NL or US 100NL tommorow on w/hill coz it is also pretty soft but it doesnt work out to have many tables in the day time, and i might be out tommorow night.
i had a good session more than tripling my buy in and then 3 tabled it after stopping play on the other 2 sites winning just under another buy in, finishing me for the day:

william hill +144.17AUS ($97.05US)

*totals updated in about me section*

might be heading into the casino tommorow night? friend wanted to go in tonight but i choose the girlfriend instead, if he is keen tommorow il go, will see what happens

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